Somniloquence's Blog

about my work

My work deals with the themes of consumer culture, repression, sexuality and death by using images of childhood as visual metaphors.
I portray cute, doll-like prepubescent girls in first states of rebellion, the subjects of my work being at once vulnerable and aggressive, self-defying and narcissistic, innocent and tortured by the subconscious mind.

You can see some of my artwork here:

And here is a review:

“Urumova’s cartoon figures are innocent deviants—think Hello Kitty as a suicide girl or a suicide girl reading Foucault reading Nietzsche. No matter how you slice it, desire is without moral judgment, neither on this side or that side of good and evil, neither transgressive nor co-opted, neither blameworthy nor notable, and, in Urumova’s vision, desire is therefore innocent. Her bemused comic girls do not reflect a loss of innocence, and there is no paradise before the fall. They are instigators and provocateurs; their game is child’s play, and child’s play does not rule out a matter-of-fact cruelty. Desire is subversive precisely because it couldn’t care less. Urumova is gaining recognition as an upcoming artist precisely because she is able to combine different sensibilities, such as that of outsider art and underground subversive comics.” – Christine Kennedy, NY Arts Magazine

sympathy for killer bunny

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